WELCOME TO THE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL DATA VISUALIZATION DEMO This demonstration shows how you can visualize data in four or more dimensions using surface plotting, color, and animation. The demo displays an animation consisting of 20 surfaces representing a vibrating membrane. By default, the animation represents a four-dimensional data set; the X, Y, Z, and time dimensions are displayed. You can add a fifth dimension using color. Select "5 Dimensions" from the "Vertex Colors" sub-menu of the Options menu to represent a quantity that changes with time but which is not dependent on location. You can rotate the surface by positioning the mouse in the draw widget, holding down the left mouse button, and dragging the mouse. MENU OPTIONS ------------ File Menu: Select "Quit" to exit the demonstration. Options Menu: Select "Style" to choose between a wire-frame or a solid surface. Select "Shading" to choose between flat or Gouraud shading for the surface. Select "Drag Quality" to change the display quality when you are rotating the surface. A lower drag quality setting will generally provide faster performance. Select "Vertex Colors" to change the way color is used in displaying the surface. The "Monochrome" option will display the surface in a single color. The "4 Dimensions" option will display the surface with color representing the Z value of the data. The "5 Dimensions" option will display the surface with color representing an independent variable. About Menu: Select "About Vibrating Membrane" to display this help text. FEATURES OF THE VIBRATING MEMBRANE DEMO --------------------------------------- The following graphical user interface elements allow you to control the demo. <> Click this button to play the animation backwards. <> Click this button to stop the animation. <> Click this button to play the animation forwards. <> Click this button to cause the animation to reverse direction when it reaches the end or beginning. <> Adjust this slider to select a faster or slower rate of display. <> Adjust this slider to display a particular frame. The slider is only available if the "Active Slider" checkbox is checked. <> Click this checkbox to select a particular frame or to show the current frame number when the animation is in progress. <> Click this button to reset the surface to initial orientation and frame index.